How would you explain inspiration, if someone asked you? According to Webster’s Dictionary, inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Have you ever been inspired by someone or something, and if so who or what inspired you?

There were to psychologists, Thrash and Elliot that did extensive research on inspiration.The two have concluded that inspiration can be both powerful and motivational. The two psychologists describe inspiration as being assembled of three main categories: evocation, transcendence, and approach motivation. Now we can learn and understand what each category is.

  1. Evocation-

This is inspiration occurring impulsively. You are likely to feel as though something happens to you, as opposed to something you choose or intend to experience.

  1. Transcendence-

This is an experience of something beyond typical, everyday events. You may feel admiration and connected to a considerably strong energy source. You could have a sense of conviction and lucidity about things and instantaneously become aware of new opportunities.

  1. Approach Motivation-

This inspiration may cause vigorous actions and motivate you to try something new. You may find yourself open to opportunities of achieving things you once viewed as impossible. You can alter your perception of what you are capable of.

There are some amazing benefits that come along with inspiration, one being accomplishing new goals. Inspiration is also good for our overall well-being and can increase our feelings of gratitude and appreciation. Our moods can be lifted drastically from being inspired.

Being inspired can make what we once viewed as impossible, possible to do. We can raise expectations for ourselves, which may help others realize what they are capable of and the ways our beliefs can hold us back from success.

No matter what your goals are and whoever accomplished those same goals by making it look natural, you may feel little hope. It doesn’t matter how easy others accomplish their goals with their strong determination, we can do the same. Instead of feeling dishearten or jealous, you can view these people as role models and strive to learn from their success and ways they succeed.

Inspiration isn’t something we can plan to find, but there are certain ways to make it more probable to occur. For instance, if you have always wanted to write an article in a magazine or wanted to write a book, either plan to attend a book reading by one of your favorite authors or schedule time to meet with a writer of a magazine, so you can ask questions that will help you reach your goals. However, you can find the ambition, plan to be in an environment where people that could inspire you will be.

One of the most amazing parts of inspiration is, it can completely change your life in so many positive ways. It can change you from usual and normal to astounding and exceptional in an instant.

What does motivation mean to you? According to Webster’s Dictionary, motivational means designed to promote the desire or willingness to do or achieve something.

Each individual is motivated differently. There are two types of motivational focus that determine our behaviors.

  1. Promotion-Focus-

Those that are motivated in this way are motivated by promotion want to advance and want to avoid any missed opportunities. They will view their goals as a way of advancement. These people are enthusiastic, at an ease to taking chances, work swiftly, dream considerably, and think creatively. Regrettably, these individuals are susceptible to errors, might not think ahead or think things through andcould be unprepared if things do not go well.

  1. Prevention-focused-

People in this mindset view goals as responsibilities and focus on staying safe. These individuals worry about what could go wrong and play to win, not lose. They tend to work slowly and diligently and aren’t very creative, but they have magnificent analytical and problem-solving skills.

After the information I have provided, what type of motivation are you? Have you been inspired recently and if so, who or what inspired you?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I hope this information was beneficial to read and I look forward to reading your answers and reaction to this post! Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love , comfort, and many positive vibes!